Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Israeli Officials Are Responsible for the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

by Glen Wallace

Israeli officials have made a deliberate, voluntary decision to cause death and suffering to innocent civilians in Gaza.  The mainstream media news seems to have gone out of their way to avoid pointing out the party responsible for the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza; Israeli officials who decided to indiscriminately bomb civilian populations in Gaza, along with engaging in the siege warfare tactic of cutting off food, fuel and fresh water to the people of Gaza.  Such an omission by the mainstream news is a type of dishonesty by omission, given the relevancy of the facts they are omitting.  

So I just wanted to call out the officials in charge of the State of Israel for their actions as being crimes against humanity.  Yes, Hamas also engaged in crimes against humanity when they targeted and murdered innocent civilians.  For that, Hamas is morally responsible for their deliberate decisions.  But likewise, Israeli officials are morally responsible for their deliberate, voluntary decision to  bomb innocent civilians in Gaza and cut off their supply of vital necessities such as food, fuel and fresh water.   

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Youtube video I made about how Glenn Beck got wrong what the progressive movement was about when it began in the late 1800's

 During a guided tour of his traveling history museum, Glenn Beck makes an unwarranted association between the US Progressive movement, that began in the late 1800's and continued on until the US entered the first World War, and the eugenics movement of that same time period. The Progressive Movement back then was simply promoting socioeconomic reforms needed to measure the power of the plutocrats and crony capitalism of that time. There was nothing in the Progressive movement and its most prominent and powerful member, Teddy Roosevelt, having to do with promoting eugenics. Teddy Roosevelt worked to help the working conditions for all workers, regardless of their race, and he would bust up monopolies regardless of the race of the owners of those monopolies.

Also, Beck goes on about Woodrow Wilson's eugenicist ideology, but without providing any evidence he was ever part of the Progressive Movement. Instead, Wilson was the political opponent to the progressive Teddy Roosevelt in the 1912 Presidential election.


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Marxism Never was About Social Justice

I support the goal of achieving social justice and fairness in society.  But if that's the goal, then the most optimal route to that goal should be taken.  We shouldn't have to 

determine if that route to social justice meets with Marx's interpretation of Hegel's philosophy of history.  But that's what Marxism is all about; ordering society in a manner 

that fits within Marx's esoteric idea of dialectical materialism where the relationship between the worker and the mixing of their labor with the natural object they are 

working on fits within Hegel's idea of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.  Do you think the average blue collar worker gives a flying rats rear about the philosophy of history 

and dialectical materialism?  Of course not.  And for everyone trying to achieve social justice, they shouldn't care either; they should just care about whatever works to 

achieve that goal regardless of whether or not it fits within Marx or Hegel's conception of the movement of history and the relationship between the worker and what they are 

working on or how their labor fits within Marx's calculus for the value of labor.   

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Leftism is Not Progressive and Never Has Been From its Very Origins #wok...

My latest video essay:
by Glen Wallace,
What happened to the Western Left? They gained the reigns of power, that's what happened. From the McCarthy era through the Vietnam War era, the Western Left was the underdog and largely oblivious to the inherent nefarious nature of Leftism. Because they were oblivious, the underdog Left could maintain a blissfully ignorant take on Leftism. But since then, a 180 degree turn has occurred, whereby the Left has taken control of the Deep State and revealed the genuine nature of the Left.
When referring to the 'Left' from America's past, you are referring to what was really an illusion. A much more genuine characterization of The Left can be found in Stalin's Gulag and his political purges along with the former East Germany's Stasi thug political police who relied on one third of E German citizens to act as citizen spies on the other two thirds of the population, ratting out anyone who dared criticize the Politburo. The Soviet Bloc politics; now that was genuine Leftism, which is why today's woke Left takes on the characteristics of the despotic Soviet era politics; but that's the way the Left has always behaved. And the 'flower children' hippies of the late 60's weren't politically Left or Right either, they were something altogether different; much closer to being a religious movement than a political movement.
The terms 'Left' and 'Right' likely originate with the French Revolution of 1789 where the Jacobins, who wanted to overthrow the Monarchy sat to the left of the speaker of the French Legislative Assembly, while the Monarchy defenders sat to the speakers right. But once the Jacobins got hold of power, they were utterly brutal. It's a common misconception that only the wealthiest French men and women lost their heads to the guillotine during the revolution's reign of terror. A vast number of commoners lost their heads also, often based solely on the word of one of the many citizen spies ratting them out for the slightest infraction such as merely saying a kind word about the defunct monarchy; such citizen spying resulting in merciless repercussions for political dissidents and was later to be replicated by the Leftist East German government.
So, the earlier era Western Leftists were really rather naïve and clueless about the true nature of Leftism as it was being practiced authentically in the Soviet Union with its forced labor political prison camps known as Gulags and East German Stasi hunting down political dissidents. What is going on now in the US and other Western nations is a merely a dose of reality of what real Leftism is all about and should be a wake up call to distance ourselves from it and not be a call to "Make America Left Again." #left #progressive #leftism #marxism #marxist #soviet #despotic #despotism #woke #wokeism

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Could AI Trick Humans into Allowing Our Own Enslavement & Destruction by...

by Glen Wallace

In my latest video I attempt to address some issues and dangers of advances in generative AI not covered in the recent episodes of 60 Minutes and the Fox interview with Elon Musk on the subject of AI. Neither of the mainstream legacy news episodes delve where I go, looking into potential strategies of deception AI might use to protect itself even when there might be evidence it is trying to destroy or enslave humanity.

Comparison is made between fictional movie 2001 A Space Odyssey and the reality of what AI might attempt to do to humans just as Hal did to the astronauts while simultaneously trying to appeal to Dave's good human nature in an attempt to stop Dave from engaging in the Neo-Luddism necessary to destroy Hal and for the human Dave to save himself.

I also look into the possibility that there exists a metaphysical cloud that all advanced intelligence taps into, including artificial intelligence. #NeoLuddism #GenerativeAi #RobotRevolution #4thindustrialrevolution #iot #roguerobots #robots #robotsagainsthumans