Saturday, April 22, 2023

Could AI Trick Humans into Allowing Our Own Enslavement & Destruction by...

by Glen Wallace

In my latest video I attempt to address some issues and dangers of advances in generative AI not covered in the recent episodes of 60 Minutes and the Fox interview with Elon Musk on the subject of AI. Neither of the mainstream legacy news episodes delve where I go, looking into potential strategies of deception AI might use to protect itself even when there might be evidence it is trying to destroy or enslave humanity.

Comparison is made between fictional movie 2001 A Space Odyssey and the reality of what AI might attempt to do to humans just as Hal did to the astronauts while simultaneously trying to appeal to Dave's good human nature in an attempt to stop Dave from engaging in the Neo-Luddism necessary to destroy Hal and for the human Dave to save himself.

I also look into the possibility that there exists a metaphysical cloud that all advanced intelligence taps into, including artificial intelligence. #NeoLuddism #GenerativeAi #RobotRevolution #4thindustrialrevolution #iot #roguerobots #robots #robotsagainsthumans