Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Israeli Officials Are Responsible for the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

by Glen Wallace

Israeli officials have made a deliberate, voluntary decision to cause death and suffering to innocent civilians in Gaza.  The mainstream media news seems to have gone out of their way to avoid pointing out the party responsible for the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza; Israeli officials who decided to indiscriminately bomb civilian populations in Gaza, along with engaging in the siege warfare tactic of cutting off food, fuel and fresh water to the people of Gaza.  Such an omission by the mainstream news is a type of dishonesty by omission, given the relevancy of the facts they are omitting.  

So I just wanted to call out the officials in charge of the State of Israel for their actions as being crimes against humanity.  Yes, Hamas also engaged in crimes against humanity when they targeted and murdered innocent civilians.  For that, Hamas is morally responsible for their deliberate decisions.  But likewise, Israeli officials are morally responsible for their deliberate, voluntary decision to  bomb innocent civilians in Gaza and cut off their supply of vital necessities such as food, fuel and fresh water.